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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  May 13, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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new dinner knife found its way. supper got a little dull 374 years ago today. that's fox report for friday, the 13th of may, 20011. i'm jon scott. the factor is next. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> my land is lost and stolen. my culture has been raped. poverty and city living under the colonial system of the anglo and castrated our city's culture. >> factor investigation wait until you hear what some arizona school children are reading in their textbooks. >> >> bill: also update you on the continuing border chaos and chaos in arizona. >> we do agree our country must take action to address climate change. >> cleaner forms of energy and we need them fast. >> bill: one day after he announces his run for the presidency, newt gingrich is confronted by a past political
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ad. lou dobbs will have analysis. >> that's a juvenile -- >> yeah. >> bill: glenn beck feeling bad about mocking meghan mccain on the radio who is not at all happy about the situation. a big beck segment coming up. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the southern border heats up again. that is the subject killed yesterday chasing suspected ill locally drug smugglers southwest of phoenix. during the chase, the truck the agents were riding in was hit by a freight train instantly killing hector clark and 34-year-old edward roll haas. obviously the border situation in arizona remains very
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dangerous. it's not just illegal aliens and drugs plaguing arizona. impacting the public schools there state has ordered public schools in tucson to stop teaching ethnic classes because of alleged bias. that order has led to protests] cheers] [shouting] [chanting] >> bill: cultural aspect centers on textbooks and teaching material. on may 10th at a school board meeting in tucson, a woman red from the books of a radical anti-american guy who is being used by some teachers. >>
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>> bill: that's the kind of material students as young as 9 years old are being subjected to in the tucson area. can you see why the state is concerned and why arizona is helping pass laws to confront the situation. alien front. jet from people they stop in response to the obama administration has sued the state of arizona over that law. and the whole thing is heading toward the supreme court. but for now, the chaos factor reported this week. 445,000 people were apprehended on the 2010. every person caught it's estimated 4 or 5 get through. number of those people are criminals, drug dealers, thieves, you name it over the decades, hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent trying to control the southern border and still not secure.
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troubling to say the least. that's the memo. now for the top story. today in the "new york times," sheriff larry deefer says he needs a new arizona law to protect the folks. the sheriff joins you us from tucson. first of all how bad is the illegal alien crime problem? not the intrusion? not the crimes that they commit in your county? >> well, you know a loft the criminal activity flies bloat radar screen in terms of when federal government, janet napolitano people are saying that crime is down. what isn't reported and seen all the cut fences, water sources that are destroyed. livestock that dies from ingesting plastics left behind. fences tut. roadways that are damaged and the upheaval every night with the people moving by and through private property. and as we speak, we have a multi-million-dollar fire burning in the eastern part of the county set by drug smugglers, human smugglers in a remote area that burned last
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year. they call it the horseshoe fire 2. because horseshoe fire one was last year at the same time. >> bill: why were the drug smugglers start the fire? >> well, evenings are still very cool. particularly at 8,000, 9,000 feet. so they start warming fires and they are not carrying enough water. carry enough water to keep themselves going. they are not going to put out a fire. we just lifted the evacuation order out there. people had to leave their homes for three days. and so that kind of thing goes on. as far as other criminal activity, my good friend rob crems was murdered a year ago. we have rapes. we have home invasions, people tied up. a lot of our southbound burglaries, burglaries occurred southbound smugglers delivered their goods. human cargo and contraband and get a house before they get back across the line to steal guns, jewelry and cash. so, in spite of what is claimed by the administration, the border is probably not probably
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is absolutely is more dangerous than it's ever been. >> bill: how many miles of border in the county? how many? >> 83 and a half miles of international border. 30 and a half. >> bill: 30 and a half what? >> 30 and a half of that is private property that abutts the border. when people cross, they are in someone's backyard not in the public domain. >> bill: how many miles of border fence on that 83 are there? >> well, depends on what you call fence. a lot of the -- there is about 26 miles of it has some it ration. some kind of fence. a lot of it is what they call normed did i fence. which is simply railroad, rail that has been railroaded together to stop vehicles. it doesn't stop people. it's kind of interesting. there is a section in there they call no climb fence. in other words, you are not supposed to be able to move up it. somebody did an experiment recently and figured tout takes the average 18 to 25-year-old
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male 14 seconds to climb it. >> bill: tucson is a big city. i don't understand why all 83 miles doesn't have a fence on it a fence indeed a no climb fence. why wouldn't it have that. >> i'm sitting here in tucson which isn't in my county. i'm down in tombstone. the studio is here. >> bill: i know that but the whole border, basically, is impacted by people coming across. they go to tucson. they go to bisby. wherever their organization tells them to go, they go. 83 miles doesn't seem hard to build a fence. you guys could probably build it yourself. >> you can the problem is the fence has no value if you can't watch it you know, i have 86 deputies to patrol almost 6300 square miles. border patrol has 1300 agents to protect. 83 and a half miles of border. now, i will tell you, those agents work their butts off. >> i know. but what i'm trying to get at is, it doesn't seem like the federal government has done enough to protect the people in
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arizona. that's why the arizona legislature passed the law. now my final question is. why would it be a good tool for you to be able to ask for citizenship of people that your guys pull over in traffic stops or maybe in other confrontations? why is that a good tool? >> the officers who work the street and i have three of my boys and one daughter-in-law who do that in cities here in arizona. my deputies will tell you that day after day after day they are dealing with the same aliens who are charged with crimes. they serve a little time in jail. they kick back out. and they are never deported or if they are deported, then they simply can return. and they do return. you mentioned the criminal aliens that have been convicted. and have left as we have seen the overall numbers of illegal alien apprehensions decline, at the hands of border patrol. we have seen the percentage of criminal aliens defined by them increase. so the bad guys keep coming, bill. >> bill: you think if you can detain them yourself this would
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solve the problem? >> it would help. it would be a very, very useful tool. right now, you know, we just -- they are turned out and right back on the street. same kind of problem. >> bill: we appreciate you coming on tonight. thanks very much. next on the run down, geraldo reacts to the sheriff's interview. political add for newt gingrich. >> we don't always see eye to eye, do we, newt? >> no, but we do agree our country must take action to address climate change. >> bill: coming right back.
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>> bill: fridays with geraldo tonight. listening to the interview with the county sheriff and mr. rivera joins us now mr. los angeles. we talked to tucson school superintendent john peticone today he confirmed in 3rd grade students are reading and listening to their teachers read from this guy gonzalez, the anti-american hispanic writer. and i wondered how you felt about that 3rd grade. >> well, i think the story is hyped beyond belief, bill. i think that what the superintendent told you is that, yes, he has scene corky gonzalez, one of his works on the 3rd grade curriculum but there is no evidence it's ever been taught. moreover in high school, where you really have the controversy,
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there are only four books, four physical books by corky gonzalez in the entire tucson school district of 52,758 students. so i think that this entire story has has beginned ginned uy people's who agenda point out this conflict, war between an go arizona and hispanic arizona. i think it is very badly timed and awful no doubt the tucson has works by this gonzalez. >> malcolm x. >> bill: no, let's just stay with this guy. you don't point to other bad behavior to justify one bad behavior. this is the crux of the new law. >> i didn't even say it was bad behavior. >> bill: well, i'm going to ask you that. this guy, gonzalez, should he be in a high school? should he be? >> corky gonzalez, a person
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whose works i know very well, bill, wrote most of them in the 1960's. that's where the quote that this woman read. she took from from different works. she amalgamated them. >> you are not going to tell me he was anti-anglo. >> he was the creators of the so-called which i -- chicano movement. gave voice people's whose identity ill defined in a period of great turmoil. civil rights movement. >> bill: this guy is anti-american. he is you know it i know it. everybody knows it are you okay with the stuff? high school? >> i don't know that at all. i rely reject that characterization. >> oh my god. >> what you do is transdmography guy who wrote in great turmoil in this country. anti-measure of 2011. >> bill: is he anti-american. no doubt about it? >> what about malcolm x?
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what about the teachings of malcolm x. why is that so different? what about the black panthers. >> bill: it fends how it's presented. >> no suggestion it was ever presented in the tucson school district and that's my point. this woman came up. what is her agenda? this is the worst thing that ever happened to arizona. all this is doing is setting people apart. it's like that state law 1070 which is now -- enjoined by the federal appeals court. >> bill: you wouldn't support an aaron nation tract being put in front of high school students. i know you wouldn't. you wouldn't support that. >> what about huckleberry twain and n word that's all throughout the work. >> bill: it's all in a matter of context. i urge people to go. >> it's a matter of proportion and it's a matter of whether or not you want to solve social problems. >> bill: i'm sorry about that ladies and gentlemen. we had some satellite transmissions. now, i think it was god.
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[ laughter ] saying, look, even i am not agreeing with you, geraldo. we love geraldo. and it's always good to hear an opposing point of view. i do want you to check out this guy gonzalez, because is he anti-american guy in my opinion. directly ahead, an embarrassing political add surfaces. newt gingrich and nancy pelosi sitting on a couch. wait until you hear this. later, glenn beck under fire from cindy and meghan mccain. the g-man will be here to sort it all out. upcoming. your finances can't manage themselves.
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>> bill: lowe's -- lou's the boss segment. 24 hours after newt gingrich announced, this political ad is all over the place. >> hi, i'm nancy pelosi.
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lifelong democrat and speaker of the house. >> and i'm newt gingrich. lifelong republican and i used to be speaker. >> we don't always see eye to eye, do we, newt? >> no. but we do agree our country must take action to address climate change. >> we need cleaner forms of energy, and we need them fast. >> if enough of us demand action from our leaders, we can spark the innovation we need. >> go to we can solve it dot organize. we can we can solve >> you can see his fine program each weekday at 7:00. regular sony and cher out there. >> they were made for each other. >> bill: anything that a person does, politically, or in any other part of his life is going to be then brought to bear. does this hurt newt gingrich? >> without question. to be sitting -- if he had said nothing, bill, just sitting next to nancy pelosi. >> bill: just on the couch. >> especially that couch.
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he would be in real trouble. this is going to be more difficult than any charges about his personal life. this is more difficult, in my judgment for him, than anything else. >> bill: why? >> because is he supporting cap and trade. tax and trade. a discredited. >> bill: not really. he is just saying we want clean energy. most people want that. >> is he talking about climate change. is he making clear the implication that climate change is the responsibility of a republican speaker and a democratic speaker. it's not a smart choice on his part in my opinion. >> bill: you think that people will remember and will hold it against the former speaker? >> without question. and conservatives who are his natural allies are going to be offended by. this. >> bill: all right. now, today, not today, this week, there were hearings in the senate about subsidies for oil companies. all right? and jay rockefeller who ironically, ladies and gentlemen, his great great grandfather made gazillions of dollars in the oil business.
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he came down hard on the oil ceos. roll the tape. >> it's almost like you're the -- the five of you are like saudi arabia. that you are caught up in your profits. you are highly defensive. you yield on nothing. the concept of sharing means almost what you have said almost means that you would have to move to another country. which i don't accept. >> bill: what was rockefeller and the other democratic senators' points? what are they trying to say to these ceos. >> he was trying to say give up your $4 billion in tax and subsidies from the federal government and share the burden is the way they put it. a number of them. share prosperity. they are hiring. they are hiring literally tens of thousands of people indirectly responsible. they are being lectured by a descendant of john d. rockefeller. >> no doubt about it rockefeller
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is worth about 0 million. and he got that money inherited. it wasn't like -- >> -- the hard way. >> you know,look, we don't disparage anybody for that. >> i didn't disparage him. it was a very nice way to get money. >> bill: very liberal guy. you yourself don't want subsidies for the oil companies. >> absolutely not. >> you would be on jay's side? >> not at all. is he talking about them being out of touch. people are out of toughen are the jay rockefellers, the democratic leadership in the senate and those don't think wave a wand, gas goes to $4 a gallon, make political points. i mean, amongst those people, bill, who are flogging the oil companies and they know it will be to no effect. clair mccaskill, sherrod brown. the left, bob menendez. the left of the democratic party. they are going to have no effect. they know it's a dog and pony show. ever. >> bill: you don't think the oil companies is going to lose their subis i at this? >> i don't think they are going
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to lose them at all. >> bill: because the republicans will say we need the oil companies to drill and look for and this is the only way they are going to do it is subsidize the search. >> i don't think they are going to lose because i don't think there is any practical way for it to happen. we heard them to defend -- by the way, exxon mobil made $11 billion in the first quarter. will they run out of business this f. they lose those subsidies? >> no, they won't. >> you and i agree that the government shouldn't be is subsidizing the oil companies? >> no. it gets ridiculous. >> bill: folks at home going we don't like the fact that the liberal senators demonizing oil. also don't like the fact that the oil is getting subsidies when it's making so much money. >> that's the great thing about the american people. we can hold competing ideas in our minds at the same time. >> bill: some of us. >> most of us. because not one of us is as smart as all of us. that's what makes this place work. >> bill: do you think that the oil companies are greedy? >> are they greedy? no. they are not greedy. they are trying to make a profit. they are trying to produce
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energy and oil. the very thing that barack obama talks about as president. energy independence. and they understand where those reserves are. whether they are gas and oil shale, whether it's natural gas. whether it's crude oil, whether it's coal. they are right here in america. richest energy nation on the planet. >> bill: we need those subsidy did is to get them. get them with the money they are making. >> intelligent political leadership and the rest could be history. >> bill: they don't want to give up their subsidies. >> you know what's interesting? i think they do. >> bill: they are just hiding it? >> i any what we are watch something a negotiating ploy. they will give something up for something. you know how to works in washington. >> bill: lou dobbs, everybody. plenty more as the factor continues this evening. mike huckabee president obama. will he decide to run against him for president. we will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. rapper common controversial rapper at the white house and little feud with meghan mccain. we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. as you you may know mike huckabee thinking about another presidential run and will decide shortly. in the meantime he has been evaluating the president's strengths and weaknesses and joins us now. i understand tomorrow on your program you are going to make some kind of announcement. >> i would like to get my ratings just a half as what yours ours. i figure if i make this announcement i will be half on my way. >> bill: is it about the presidential race. >> not even my executive producer knows what i'm going to say tomorrow night. >> are you going to make the announcement sing and play the guitar. >> i promise it will be spoken. if i ever sang, it will kill fox news as a channel from that point forward. all right. now, let's put the economy aside because obviously president obama has got some problems and everybody know what is they are in that area say you decide to run against him. where are you going to go first? outside of the economy and say he just hasn't done a good job? >> his lack of understanding how
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business works is the key to his defeat. the fact that he does not simply understand that you cannot tax businesses and regulate them and then create jobs. the most, i think, telling piece of information that came out this week was that in this environment, 8 a% of the kids graduating from college this year are thinking that they may end up living with their moms and dads. because they don't have jobs coming out of college. that is the kind of issue that is going to make it very difficult. that he lacks the leadership, understanding capital formation, understanding how business works because he has never run anything, bill. he has never signed the front of a paycheck. >> bill: economic realm. we will cede that's where the republican is going to go. pro job creation party why the other guy is a socialist and doesn't do anything and here are the stats. we know that but you are going to have to then expand it into other areas. so where would you go? >> he has got a couple of areas where is he going to be
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vulnerable with two key constituency groups. hispanics and african-americans. his unwillingness to defense the doma law. defense of marriage act. is having rippling effects in those communities. it's not a big front page thing on the "new york times." >> bill: culture warrior issue? >> it is a huge issue because same sex marriage is an issue opposed by almost 75% of the african-american community and 65% in the hispanic community. >> bill: do you rely think when it comes right down to it that african-americans are going to put gay marriage over voting for one of their own? >> no. let me explain. it's not that it's going to give him the republican, you know, 80% of the friend or hispanic vote it will cut into it. and there are 18 million evangelical hispanics who attend evangelical churches. this is a huge issue. it's an issue that does indeed. >> bill: you get into that
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issue, you, particularly, then they are going to come in and say you are a a holy roller. because you are going to be attacked anyway, you know, you were last time as being, you know, a religious guy. and your religious beliefs bleed over into public policy and you have got to watch this guy. he is this, that and the other thing. >> it's not the front and center issue. the economy is going to be the front and center issue. this is the kind of thing that causes people out there who aren't political. they don't sit aren't living politics all day long. but this is the sort of issue that pushes people one side or the other. >> bill: gay marriage issue has taken a backseat and i do believe that it is a creeping kind of a situation where they make a little gains here. a little gains there. don't ask, don't tell is gone now. inevitably gay marriage is going to be -- i think it's state by state. i think it will be a state by state. you will have a number of liberal states that do recognize gay marriage. do you really think that's vital to the country? >> i just know that in 33 states where it's bon on the ballot. even in states like maine and
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california very liberal states. the voters still consistently affirm traditional marriage. look, it's not the issue that's driving all the elections. >> the polls most americans want to keep marriage between a man and a woman. is that an important thing for the republic. >> i don't think it's the most important issue any importance. >> it is important. >> bill: tell me why. >> let me go back to the fact. 3 states put it on the ballot. 33 states confirm it. >> why it important to you. >> it's not a matter of the political importance. it's a matter of whether or not we want to protect the integrity of what marriage means. look, if people want to learn a certain way it's their business. they can live any way they want to. if they start wanting to change the definition of marriage. then somehow our own social structure of how we create the next generation or how we train our replacements we have changed the social culture in economy with have all survived for several thousand years, bill.
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>> bill: sty as a slippery slope we are not going to be the traditional country we wouldn't were. >> family basic marriage, only definition of marriage. try to change it but that's what it still means. final question. grade president obama a to f what grade would you if i have him in d couple of things right. certainly the order to kill usama bin laden. but his handling of the economy is an f. it's been a stats instruments f. >> all right. governor. tune in tomorrow to see what you have to say. that should be fun. thank you very much. when we come right back, the most controversial story of the evening, glenn beck under fire from sydney and megan mcclain mccain. beck will reply in a few moments. hey susie, why don't you use this ?
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the at your beck and call segment. g-man at the center of controversy. this year rapper appearing at the white house and megan appearing in skin cancer ad: here is beck, he had a controversial week. i thought with you kind of winding down, things would. >> i'm not going to the old foggies. i'm not going to your house. >> bill: not going quietly into the night. more people hating you. let's take it one by one. the common thing at the white house. beck and i both agree you don't honor a man like this at the white house because of what he said about two convicted cop killers that he is sympathetic. you just tonight do that that is not the proper thing to do. so here is beck on the radio talking about it. go. >> now, imagine, eric, if i got on the air every day and said i didn't mean it but we should kill a cop. i don't mean it. it's just entertainment. this is the president of the
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united states holding a standard and saying, what? what? cop killers, they are cool. >> bill: i don't think that's what the president of the united states is saying. cop killers, they are cool i'm going to submit to you this. and i will back it up. i don't think barack obama knows who the hell common is. i don't think he has heard anything he has ever done. he has got a staff that puts this stuff together and continually makes -- let me back up my point. when the bin laden raid happened you would think any white house would have one person on it daily would have controlled the information coming out about the raid because it was highly sensitive. fluid, there were a lot of things happening. that didn't happen. 18 guys ran out saying all kinds of stuff about the raid that turned out not to be true. is that correct? >> yes. >> bill: does that indicate to you that anybody in charge there about information flow?
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does it? >> no. >> bill: thank you. >> it's the same thing here. there is no one in charge of this stuff. it's chaos. >> but here's the thing. >> bill: yes. >> i will agree with you on that. >> bill: thank you. >> this is the circle this man runs around with. bill ayers. >> bill: circumstantial evidence. >> common went to jeremiah wright's church. same circle over and over again. the police i have no information. but the police acted stupidly. he is clearly, his actions clear live show that he believes that the press are the oppressors. i don't think you can make the leap that the president likes a cop killer. >> wouldn't the right thing to do is not have that guy at the white house lead me go one more
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step. also at the poetry reading was somebody who said "i found out that this man, whoever it was, black, is married to a white woman. and what was it she said? my soul flinched a bit when i found out. can you imagine bill o'reilly saying when i found out my white friend was married to a black woman, my soul flinched abit. >> bill: look. the president is half white. all kinds of implications to saying stupid stuff. i will say again i don't think there is anyone in charge at that white house. you also got cindy mccain. john mccain's daughter mad at you. her daughter megan appeared in this anti-skin cancer ad undraped and. >> watching meghan mccain video where she is naked. [throwing up noise]
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>> having multiple. >> bill: if i were cindy mccain i would slap the hell out of you. >> you were right for what you said. sticking up for your daughter i would do the same thing. >> bill: i the let her. in i will let her beat the hell out of you have right here on this program so everybody can watch. >> let me ask you something. put this in perspective. first of all, doesn't work on television. only works on the radio. >> bill: didn't work on radio either, beck. >> we have got somebody singing about killing cops and everybody runs to his defense. >> bill: not me. >> all the left runs to his defense. i make vomit sounds when someone is disrobed. >> bill: gore a good cause. >> what was the cause? >> bill: skin cancer. >> what was she saying?
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cover up. cover up. cover up. all i'm doing is helping bring attention to this. >> bill: that's why did you it? >> i'm saying cover up. cover up. i'm with you. >> bill: that's why i'm not naked now. i'm giving you a hard time. what people don't know about you people that don't like you, you are genuinely a nice guy. you are a much nicer guy than i am. you really are. >> don't blow this for me. you worked hard on this. >> bill: i have been on the road with beck. you are nice to everybody who comes up to you. all right? you go out of your way to make people feel good and then you do these dopey things on the radio and they all think you are a bad guy. >> he is lying. i'm a bad bad man. >> i'm scolding you. you shouldn't have done that to megan. >> can i tell youing? i said this morning not on the radio because i wasn't going to admit this, it's an absolute juvenile bit. you know what? megan manage contain, please.
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looks, i don't care what she looks like. >> bill: meghan mccain. >> no. i have had enough of meghan mccain as much as she has had of me. >> bill: give her a break. glenn beck, everybody. big headline for you tonight. jon stewart be on the factor monday to talk about the common president obama controversy. don't miss that. in a moment, the dumbest things of the week. ron paul and a bunch of babies in the spotlight tonight. right back with dumb. losing weight clicked for me when i realized
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>> back of the book segment tonight, the dumbest things of the week, ron paul in the zone this evening. but we begin with really foolish names for babies. this is becoming a terrible trend, especially among celebrities. actress alyssia silverstone, for
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example, recently named her baby bear blue. bear blue as in the cheese. monroe and moroccan as in the country. with us to explain this insanity. fox news correspondent arthel neville. red eye guy greg gutfeld. >> before i say a word. with a unique name like arthel i have no room to talk. >> bill: that's because your father's name is arthur. >> the female. >> bill: homage to your dad. >> more rock scan an homage to the penthouse apartment to mariah carey. >> bill: mariah carey named her baby after a room in the penthouse apartment. >> that's where he proposed. >> bill: i'm going to take bets how old the kid will be moroccan until he runs away from home. >> if i'm rich and famous i'm going to do the same thing. i'm giving that kid all those
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toys, all that future, i get to name it whatever i want. if i want to name him love bucket. >> he is going to go by name scott. that's his middle name. he goal by that. >> bill: moroccan scott. >> because that's nick's middle name. >> bill: political cartoon i think it was by kelly in new orleans showed a pregnant woman and had a little caption i'm not coming out if you name me that. okay? let's give the kid a break. >> how do you like this one? can i go to another gwen stefani son ziewm that necessarya rock. zuma beach where her husband decided i'm going to be a. nesta. rock and you can figure that out. i want to call him z man. >> bill: one of the most popular names in the u.s.a. >> i would go with ashley. >> bill: don't we have lacy. >> no. we don't have a list. >> bill: yes we are. >> there it is.
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every give's name lands -- look at that. >> i always want to find my name on a key chain and couldn't. still can't. feel bad for me? >> bill: gutfeld's dumbest thing of the week. jane harman is retiring and special election and there is a guy named dan adler, democrat, running for it here is his political add. go. >> asians are 15% of voters here. don't speak to their issues. >> i have issues. >> tell me. >> medicare. >> you are not alone. some people in this district. >> i'm korean. >> actually, my wife is korean, too. >> you are jewish. >> my family is jewish. >> -- >> i will represent everyone in the 36th district. my name is dan adler and i definitely approve this message. >> dan adler, send a message to
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congress. >> >> tell us what a merrill minch. >> i don't know i'm a catholic. it's a likeable, trusting person. >> bill: underneath very good intentions for everyone. >> you can't become a minority through marriage. just because his wife is korean does not make minimum korean. >> bill: here is the deal. can you imagine somebody running for office say we white people have to stick together. >> wouldn't work. first of all that ad. a for effort trying to include the asians. f for epic failure of the overall ad. >> bill: plays on racial stuff. it might be cute but not appropriate. >> bill: ron paul has been on the program. i had to scold him when he was on here. he was all over the place. i didn't know what he was talking about. i like him, i like his spirit. is he feisty and all of that he said something this week that's really really dumb. roll the tape. >> i just want to be clear, a
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president -- would not have ordered the kill of bin laden which would earlier taken place by. >> i don't think it was necessary, no. >> you are telling me a president ron paul would not have ordered the bin laden kill to take place as it took place in afghanistan. >> not the way it took place, no. he was unarmed and all these other arguments. >> bill: he was unarmed. all right. >> ron paul is wrong. the president did the absolute right thing. >> bill: this is dumb, correct? >> dumb. people at the world trade center were unarmed. i have got to give him credit for being consistent. even though the killing of bin laden is the greatest thing to ever happen. is he still willing to say it's wrong. i will give him points. >> bill: not cheap shotting ron paul in the room where bin laden was killed there was an ak. all right? he was on the third floor it was dark. bin laden was running. you go into that place, you know, you can get your head blown off in there. and that's what really offended
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me about. this he was unarmed. like the seals went in and murdered this guy. all right? this is insane. so congressman paul we're sorry you said that but you lead the dumbest things of the week. thank you very much. good to see you. moroccan, huh? pinheads and patriots on deck. cbs replaces charlie sheen with ashton kutcher two and a half men. wise choice? you can vote when we come back.
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>> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment starring charlie
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sheen and ashton kutcher. >> we had another big night. we unveiled the new patriot shirt perfect for dad on father's day. we are sold-out of the jackets. the shirt will suffice. get them while we have them. if you spend $20 you get the best bumper sticker in the world. we have all kinds of great father's day gifts. if you give dad a premium membership you get the sticker as well. >> now the mail:
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>> bill: did hoover go on my lawn again? . >> bill: because ingram is too hard to say, that's why. >> bill: i'm glad you like the god's. all the proceeds go to charity.
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>> you are an oracle bob! the pinhead shirt is in stock! there's the logo. are you brave enough to wear that shirt? are you brave enough! or you can give it to somebody that should be interesting. this shirt is a master piece of statement. >> bill: happy birthday to your mom. you are a good daughter. >> finally pinheads and patriots. according to tmz, cbs is replacing sheen with kutcher on 2 1/2 men. we don't care and we wish mr. kutcher the best you care you can vote on is the replacement a pinheaded move or a patriotic one? >> last night we showed you the tsa patting down an
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eight-month-old baby. 84% of you say that move was pinheaded. 16% believe it is patriotic. that is it for us tonight. please check out fox news factor website different from we have all kinds of stuff, talking points memo. if you want to look back at some of the things we have done over the week, all there on the fox news website, run by the factor. it is all about the factor. you have to use that slash-dash thing and put in my name. then spout off about the factor name and town if you wish to opine. when writing to the factor, do not be a varlet. if you know what that means, you are good.


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